your network of knowledge

Learners or educators, here is where knowledge is shared and built

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    Master Wisdom

    Head of the Knowledge Society

    What is included as an edupreneur

    1. A dedicated full page in our Members directory

    To add your Bio, a welcome video, and the list of your courses or coaching services with links to your website for learners who want to buy. No migration! Your content remains where it is.

    2. A gateway to collaboration and growth.

    The Knowledge Society community is a hub where you learn and promote your courses and content to grow your revenues exponentially.

    What is included as a learner

    1. A network where to access free and paid content and events
    2. An opportunity to meet educators and coaches to better select courses and coaches to meet your expectations.
    3. 40% recurring commission on referrals for paid memberships (this is for both learners and edupreneurs)